Miles from Nowhere...: Top 5 Final Fights

03 July, 2007

Top 5 Final Fights

after watching a few kung-fu flicks last night, i felt the sudden urge to post my all-time top 5 final battles.
so, without any further ado... lets get it on!

Jackie Chan vs. Benny Urquidez (from "Wheels on Meals" - 1984)

quite possibly the most intense fight ever put on celluloid. both benny urquidez and keith vitali were stunned at the fact that jackie chan and sammo hung would tell them to keep fighting (and keep the camera rolling) despite the blows actually landing!

Tony Jaa (Panom Yeerum) vs. Lewis Phantana (Chatthapong Phantana-Angkul) (from "Ong-Bak" - 2003)

i guess i could have picked any number of fights from this movie, its just that good, but the final sequence takes the cake. first tony jaa runs through the henchmen like theyre made of paper, then takes on a roided-up lewis phantana in what can only be described as the post-millennium bar to be equalled by martial arts fights.

Jet Li vs. Billy Chow (from "Fist of Legend" - 1994)

again, i guess there are a lot of fight sequences i could have picked (maybe not from this particular movie, but jet li has had some shining moments over the years), however this fight is so laden with energy its hard not to choose it.

Donny Yen & Rongguang Yu vs. Shi-Kwan Yen (from "Iron Monkey" - 1993)

the incredibly menacing shi-kwan yen was so overwhelming in his roll as the dark monk, that it took both donny yen and rongguang yu to take him down. while on the subject, shi-kwan yen's fight scene with jet li from "once upon a time in china" (1991) would also have been worth a mention, but alas, only 5 spots to give...

Bruce Lee vs. Riki Hashimoto (from "Fist of Fury" - 1972)

what would a 'best fights' post be without bruce lee? nothing, thats what! again, some of you might have gone with his final battle in "enter the dragon" (1973) or his much-praised fight with chuck norris in "way of the dragon" (1972), but bruce displays such raw anger in this scene (given the subject matter, its that much more believable), that it stands out in bruce's career.

so there you have it. my all time top 5 final fights. feel free to comment/chastise/praise me at will...


  1. Nice work!

    Looking forward for "Top 5 Swordfights" :D

  2. Yea haben mir alle gfallen, ausser Bruce Lee...weiss net, war irgendwie kurz und net so actionyyy. Er muss aber schon rein. Den Bruce Lee und den Jackie Chan fight kannte ich gar nicht. Nice post (ausser der Bruce Lee-Teil ;)

  3. I think your top five is really good, and I look forward to reading your blog in the future.
