Miles from Nowhere...: Paper Cuts

07 July, 2007

Paper Cuts

you know those times when youre trying to open a frozen pizza box or youre reading some type of magazine and turn the page clumsily?
after an initial small shock you think nothing of it... then about 87 seconds later you see that tiny red line form on your finger, that for some reason begins to itch and hurt at the same time.

yes, you did it! you cut yourself on that thin sheet of bleached and compressed woodpulp.

few things are more annoying than this mosquito of bodily injuries (perhaps a stubbed toe you accidently hit on the coffee table), not because of the sensation itself, but for its lasting and almost always unfortunate placement.

in the most exquisite and consistent proofs of murphy's law, the papercut will always find itself situated at a much-used place on your hand, so that every time you wash your hands, every time you reach for a cigarette, every time you start massaging yourself to that disgustingly graphic gonzo-porn you just downloaded, you will be reminded of your recent mishap.

and thats not all... it hurts! being that the fingers are laden with nerve-endings, paper cuts are disproportionately painful, making it that much more infuriating that you didnt take your time in opening that cursed pizza box more carefully.

as enlightened men have noted, all life is suffering. im sure one of the first and most powerful experiences that led them to this conclusion, was the paper cut.


  1. I like this post. It made me laugh.

    I've only had one paper cut in my life and I remember it quite vividly. It was a couple of months ago, and I cut myself with a piece of printing paper and it cut me and I almost cried... that is like nothing else

  2. why thank you Sir, how very kind of you.

    only one paper cut ever!!??!?

    consider yourself lucky (or cautious whatever fits), im sure it wont be the last...

  3. I too liked this post.
    To me paper cuts is like that childhood nightmare of getting your willy stuck in your zipper and then wanting to cry.
    Good times?

  4. ahahahhahaha

    all i can say to that is...

    "we got a bleedeeeerrrr!!"
